Hearing Tests
Having trouble connecting with and hearing family and friends, or getting pressured by loved ones to do something about your hearing?
It doesn’t need to be so hard or take so long to do something about your hearing. Improve how you connect socially, hear on the phone, hear the TV and the sounds you love, and minimise the complaints, pressure and isolation you may be under because of your hearing loss. Modern hearing technology means discreet and life changing options for you and your loved ones.
Because hearing loss can be hard to recognize, it’s a great idea to have your audiologist test you and monitor your hearing and ear-health: you may not even need hearing aids. In fact, early detection may save you from your hearing loss deteriorating as rapidly, and save you from other ear disease permanently impacting your hearing
Efficient and easy hearing tests in a welcoming and warm environment at Crystal Hearing:
- Pensioners and DVA card holders no fee on hearing tests
- Private health fund rebates can help cover costs
- No commissions and no preferred suppliers with any one brand of hearing aid
- Access to latest technology
- Widest range of customized devices including rechargeable custom hearing aids
- Medicare coming in March 2023 (registered provider) meaning lower OOP costs for hearing test
- Bring a friend or loved one to the appointment
A $20 hearing health check, recommended for those younger clients who just aren’t sure where their hearing is at.
An $80 more thorough hearing assessment, recommended for those who recognize they have a problem hearing and think they may need to do something about it.

You Have More Freedom When You Choose An Independent Hearing Care Provider
No Sales Pressure
You won't be harassed at all hours of the night from call centers out of state: I understand where you are in your journey and leave it at that.
Competitive Pricing
Being independent means I can source you the newest products the fastest. Chain providers have older technology they push to sell.
Continuity of Care
I’m not going anywhere and I’ll keep you on track for the lifetime of your hearing aids including more regular aftercare (3 monthly appts.).
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