Crystal Hearing Services

Crsytal Hearing offers a range of Hearing Care services that can help you get on the path to better hearing and a better quality of life.

Comprehensive Adult Hearing Tests

Case history and video otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required.  The results will be fully explained to each client including a breakdown of type, shape and severity of hearing loss and how this relates to your ability to hear speech sounds.

Time: Approx 60 mins




*unless covered by hearing services program (pensioners), and from March 2023 a small gap only as Medicare registered audiologist. 

Children's Hearing Test (Ages 4-18)

Case history and video otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required.  Full audiology report and audiogram sent to your GP. Note we do not do OAE testing (objective testing) required if child unable to complete hearing testing task.

Time: Approx 60 mins




Pre-Employment Hearing Tests

Case history and otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required.  Copy of audiogram given to you or emailed to employer.

Time: Approx 30 mins




Hearing Aid Repairs and Servicing

Crystal Hearing is independent and therefore services the widest range of hearing aid brands and types.  We aim to repair if possible onsite, however sending to the manufacturer may be necessary: cost dependent on warranty and manufacturer.

Time: Approx 30 mins




*unless covered under hearing services program

Workcover/RTWSA Hearing Tests

Case history and otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required. Copy of audiogram and report written to Boylan lawyers (no win no fee) to investigate noise induced hearing claim potential on your behalf.

Time: Approx 60 mins




Hearing Health Check

A case history and basic pure-tone check to see if a hearing loss is present: audiologist tested (not iPad based screening tool to ensure accurate result)

Time: Approx 30mins




Microsuction Ear Wax Removal (Ages 3+)

Includes complimentary hearing health check.  Safe and effective microsuction of earwax either monaural or binaural including video otoscopy report showing images of external auditory ear canal and tympanic membrane both pre-and-post earwax microsuction.

Time: Approx 30 mins




Custom Protection Hearing Consult

Discussion on available hearing protection (e.g. sleep, swim, musician, industry protection.)  Ear impressions included.  Price per pair varies $330 +

Time: Approx 30 mins




GP Referral Hearing Tests

Case history and video otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required.  Full audiology report and audiogram sent to your GP.

Time: Approx 30 mins




*unless covered under hearing services program

DVA Hearing Tests

Case history and otoscopy, hearing test includes pure-tone audiometry (air conduction and bone conduction if required), speech testing, tympanometry if clinically required, tinnitus functional index (TFI) if clinically required Copy of audiogram and report written to DVA to investigate claim potential on your behalf.

Time: Approx 60 mins




Hearing Aid Consultations

If you’re looking to have a comprehensive hearing test as well as a discussion on your hearing concerns + hearing technology book this.  We will fully and accurately assess your hearing loss (type, shape, severity), discuss the wide and newest range of hearing aids available on the market, as well as a price discussion.  I will also educate and present on brain and hearing health, so you’re informed about the science behind why we need to treat the hearing loss with hearing aids.

Time: Approx 60 mins




Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing aids connected to software by your audiologist, and fine tuned specifically to your hearing loss and ears.  Real-ear measurements made to ensure optimum hearing of speech sounds and hearing aid performance.

Time: Approx 60 mins




*($0.00 on hearing aids purchase and under hearing services program)

Hearing Aid Reviews

Hearing aids connected via software by your audiologist and fine-tuned and real-ear measured specifically to your hearing loss and ears. Real-ear measurements made to ensure optimum hearing of speech sounds and hearing aid performance.  I welcome clients who already have hearing aids, but have been unhappy with prior fit and performance: please bring previous audiogram.

Time: Approx 60 mins




Second Opinion Quotes

Unhappy with your previous provider service or wanting more extensive hearing aids options and competitive pricing?  We offer a complimentary, non-pressured hearing aids discussion and quote, specific to your needs and budget, not ours.

Time: Approx 60 mins




meaghan aureguy audiologist adelaide

audiology done right

Why Choose Crystal Hearing

I'm Meaghan, Director and Senior Audiologist at Crystal Hearing.

And this is me and my Nanna, who I was very close to: she passed away in September 2023 at an impressive 98 years old, had 6 children (my mum was the youngest), 14 grandchildren (I am the youngest) and 20 great grandchildren.  She kept physically and socially fit, read a lot, and attributed her healthy ageing to keeping a healthy community, healthy physical body and brain AND she wore her hearing aids (saying she thinks of me every morning when she puts them in her ears.)  One of the key moments that motivated me to start my own business was back in July 2022 when I went to visit her, I popped my head into local Kapiti Hearing to get her some wax filters for her hearing aids: a friendly independent audiologist Jeanie said "just do it! You'll never turn back".  And here I am, excited and thankful I got the push I needed to become independent. 

WITH access to:


Get in Touch today

Call now: 08 7123 3641

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Crystal Hearing Adelaide

You Have More Freedom When You Choose An Independent Hearing Care Provider


No Sales Pressure

You won't be harassed at all hours of the night from call centers out of state: I understand where you are in your journey and leave it at that.


Competitive Pricing

Being independent means I can source you the newest products the fastest. Chain providers have older technology they push to sell.


Continuity of Care

I’m not going anywhere and I’ll keep you on track for the lifetime of your hearing aids including more regular aftercare (3 monthly appts.).
